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Chinese translation for "macarthur fellowship"


Related Translations:
macarthur:  n.麦克阿瑟〔姓氏〕。
macarthur maze:  麦克阿瑟迷宫
macarthur award:  四位麦克阿瑟奖
ellen macarthur:  麦克阿瑟
macarthur foundation:  麦克阿瑟基金我还要感谢迈克阿瑟基金会
macarthur prize:  麦克阿瑟奖
macarthur fellow:  麦克阿瑟学者
douglas macarthur:  麦克亚瑟
macarthur park:  麦克阿瑟公园
general macarthur:  麦克阿瑟将军城
Example Sentences:
1.The recipient of a macarthur fellowship in 1997 , the 41 - year - old kremer is adept at sketching out institutional fixes for problems in developing countries
2.These entrepreneurs don ' t just run businesses ; they do good works . and they ' ve been recognized with $ 500k macarthur fellowships for their accomplishments
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